Sierra Zulu: The Graphic Novelette?

It’s our socialistic pleasure to work with James Brothwell on a wonderful side project of Sierra Zulu — a graphic novelette! We don’t know yet how and when and in what format we want to publish it, but it’s an exciting piece of propaganda in the making.

James already created a faux cover, but he will probably adapt it as soon as we know more about the physical appearance of the actual actors.

So, who is James Brothwell?

James is an illustrator, comic book artist, and tattoo designer currently living and working in the Pacific Northwest. Between fits of existential angst over pixels being out of place, he finds time to work in digital pen-and-ink as well as cell-shading styles. He is mainly self-taught with a few University classes thrown in. He is fond of old Disney movies, thoughtful graphic novels, his cat, and tea.

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